Welcome to High Vibe Earth Tribe

Embody 5D New Earth Living through High Vibrational Lifestyle & Expanded Consciousness


"When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as Warriors of the Rainbow."

Old Native American prophecy

Welcome to the High Vibe Earth Tribe Community! This community platform was created to bring like-minded souls together who are passionate about Ascension, 5D New Earth, and consciousness expansion. We are all on a journey toward spiritual growth and self-actualization, aiming for unity consciousness. There's nothing like the power of community to realize all our 5D New Heaven on Earth dreams and visions together!

Introducing the 

High Vibe Earth Tribe Social

Viber Social serves as a free social networking platform alternative to highly censored platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Our community can freely inform, educate, and communicate with one another on topics such as holistic health, alternative medicine, wellness, various healing modalities and technologies, conscious arts & media, ecologically & self-sustainable lifestyles, sovereignty practices, spirituality, and all aspects of the 5D New Earth Ascension.

You will automatically have access to High Vibe Earth Tribe Social if you decide to enroll in any of our premium membership, courses virtual events and classes currently available.

Join us and enter the stargate through 4444 Portal!

  High Vibe Earth Tribe Membership

Our Premium Membership is officially Launching this April, 4th  2024!
Join this membership to access High Vibe Earth Tribe Social Platform plus get all the membership benefits!

  • Monthly Activation Livestream plus Q & A Sessions
  • Energy healing & Light Language Transmissions
  • Sound Healing & Sacred Sound Journey
  • Access to membership exclusive content and courses to accelerate your ascension process.Members Exclusive discount offers to offline & online retreats, events and other digital products 
  • You'll get community support, accountability and connect with like minded members
  • Access membership through both web platform and downloadable App to conveniently access through your multiple devices.
  • Cancel anytime

Raise your Vibrational Frequencies and Activate your Light Body with an immunity boosting, detoxifying, high vibrational Crystalline DNA Activating Foods!

 New Earth Ascension Diet Group Coaching

Now Accepting enrollment for the New Earth Ascension Diet Group Coaching! Program begins April 22nd, 2024! 

This is a 12-week group coaching program where you'll learn how to transition from an addictive SAD (Standard American Diet) full of processed foods designed to trap us at lower vibrational frequencies, where the majority of people experience disease, rapid aging, and deterioration of the body and mind.

Learn to thrive on a whole foods plant-based diet incorporating more raw living foods, not just for the health benefits and beauty transformations you'll experience, but also to maximize your potential in manifesting better quality life experiences. Consuming bio-photon-rich foods can help accelerate the DNA upgrade from your carbon-based DNA to Crystalline DNA, accelerating your ascension process!


AsiRiana Ascension

Sound Alchemist/ Energy Healer/ Intuitive Guide & Wellness Coach

AsiRiana Ascension is an artist, musician, Ecstatic Dance DJ/producer, and holistic wellness practitioner specializing in sound and energy healing. A forever student of Shamanic and cosmic mystery schools, AsiRiana Ascension is a lightworker and wayshower passionate about sharing her intuitive gifts and energetic transmissions through sound with the world.
